
carlee hendrix & the whole earth catalog - northbound

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

a bunch of pop-songs with a quite nice singer

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

when i first heard the recording of the live show
by carlee hendrix & the whole earth catalog @hotel cafe
(you can get it >>>here) i was really impressed by
the voice of carlee, and the "lightness" of the songs.

now at last, they released a short ep,
and even though i have to admit that some of the songs
are a bit too "cute" for me, i need to say
that in my opinion this ep is definitely worth a listen.
(and of course a second and third listen too...)

they just sat together for a weekend, and recorded all
the tracks without having playing as band alot before.
and the result of this home-recording-session are
6 cute pop songs about (as she wrote in the intro-text):

"boys who broke my heart and love letters to the universe
and turning into a tree and sleeping on my rooftop all summer"

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

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pre-listen song: may 2:57


entertainment for the braindead - roadkill

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

if you try to capture spring in a cd... this could be it!

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

finally it's here!

one of my highest awaited free-releases for this year
has reached the "stores" of aaahh-records.

while busy studying at the "academy of media arts" in cologne,
julia kotowski a.k.a. "entertainment for the braindead" fell
in love with a banjo, and decided to record some tracks
showing her experiences with this little instrument.

on her (already 5th!) release, she hasn't lost a single
piece of her uniqueness. her songs are still as fragile as
a snowflake but also as exhilarant as the first sunrays of spring.

as pre-listen song i've choosen the song "roadkill",
because this track immediately catched my ear.
but i can just advise you to not just listen to this song
on his own, but to listen to the whole release closely.
because that's the way how this cd unfolds it's entire beauty.

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

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pre-listen song: roadkill 4:50


lemonjohn's harvest nr. 2

to download the full release, simply click on the cover


iambic - under these stars, we'll sleep again

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

eyes shut and drop yourself - here comes the awesome sound of iambic

click here to read the full review

a few words by the thief:

How shall I write a review about such an awesome work?
When I switched on the album and started to listen
to the new sounds, I was absolutely exalted.
Coherent, harmonic and fascinating.
The best travel companion I've listened since a long time.
A landscape full of wondrous sounds. The single instruments
play together like innocent children you want to watch smiling.

It all begins with the intoductory song "Regulus",
which teaches you softly what amazing travel starts now.
The break-up begins with "Touch the sky". The name descipes
this song perfectly, as soon as it starts, you think to fly,
so weightless is the sound of iambic2. Every single track
shows you another layer of a tuneful dreamworld.

Especially the vocal fascinated me.
They're pasted exactly at the right places and conveys the
emotions of the song so clearly, bright and fetching like I've
rarely heard. I love the track Four you... that is my favourite,
absolutely breath taking! An amazing album!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: for you... 5:48


scavengers - sun dried ep

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

really amazing ep by "scavengers"

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

when i started listening to the first track
of the "Sun Dried EP" by the "scavengers"
i wasn't sure what to expect, and when the
didgeridoo alike sound on the beginning started,
i guessed of some abstract ambient or probably
any other kind of experimental music.

but what i heared after the first few seconds was
(as john cleese would say it)
something completely different...

indeed this ep doesn't walk the streight way of
typical indie-folk, because it seems like the man behind
"scavengers" is trying to build its own road to walk on.
bumpy, twisting, raw and beautiful.

i tried to search for details about this artist,
but i wasn't successful.
if i get some more information, it'll appar in here

meanwhile, i can just highly recommend you to download
this amazing ep, because one pre-listening song definitely
can't deliver the soundscapes and feelings of this release.

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

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pre-listen song: morninglory 4:30


uniform motion - roll over

uniform motion offers 1 really nice track of
their latest release "life" for free!
have a look at the whole release >>>here
(it's definitely worth it!!!!)

"uniform motion - roll over" >>>download

...and if you are a musician, don't forget to take part in the
remix-contest for their previous release! >>>look here

aievea - cinema

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

finest nujazz from romania

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

damn, 6 days without a new release in here...
sorry for that, but i'm a bit pinched for time currently...
but as excuse, i got a nice new release for you!

i sat in front of my computer, pressed the play-button
on aievea's bandcamp-page, and wanted to listen to the
record while doing something else.
but when marta hristea started singing, i immediately
stopped working, and focused on listening to
the 13 pieces of smooth relaxed nujazz on their
second release "cinema"

the album was entirely produced by themselve,
and i need to say, they did a really great job!

you can have a look at the video for "joy of life" below.
for more videos look >>>here

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

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pre-listen song: slowly 4:43


artner - 11:40

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

jazzy beats from hungary

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

budabeats doesn't release new music very often...
but when they do, it's always a pleasure!

and so it is with their latest gift:
"11:40" by daniel artner
5 tracks of delicious funky beats can be found
on this way too short ep.

but within those 22 minutes, you can lay everything
else aside, and just flow away in this mix of
trip hop, jazz, funk and downtempo-beats.

...and don't forget to have a look at daniel artner's
previous breakbeat-nujazz-dub pseudonym "dyspeptic"!
you can download the 2-tracks mini-ep "breaking news"
released by diggarama >>here

dyspeptic - jammer

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

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pre-listen song: rocknroll 4:43


henrik josé - the little things ep

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

new electro-pop on 23seconds-netlabel

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

23seconds netlabel is always offering a big diversity
of free-music.

...and this time, they came up with a really nice
new ep from henrik josé.
the swedish musician is busy offering free-music since 1997.
you can find a bunch of tracks on his homepage.
till 2007 he produced mostly non-vocaled laidback-electronica,
and after a nearly 3-years brake he's now back with a
5-tracks ep, built on his previous experiences, but with
a new electro-pop touch.

have a look at the old-scool flavoured video for
"pinpointing the problem" here:

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

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pre-listen song: pinpointing the problem 5:01