
derrick hart - songs from a cross (the sea)

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

very nice new ep by derrick hart on 12records!

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

it's been a long time since i last checked 12records
for new releases...
fortunately i came across their homepage today,
and when i noticed the cover of the new ep by
"derrick hart" i immediately had very high expectations.

but they've been exceeded!
this melancholic piece of pure indie-folk-pop listening
pleasure is exactly what i was searching for.

unfortunately it's again just a 4 track-ep, but listening to
those tracks allows the time to have a break.
the warm, melancholic voice of derric hart, assisted with
a chello, acoustic guitar and calm drums creates a really
nice calming atmosphere.

i don't know how often i listened to the track
"you're winning so i quit"... but it was surely more
than 5 times within the last 2 hours....
and it still doesn't get boring!

... for all those who can't get enough
of his music, there's an exclusive track of derric hart
on the "floating fire" compilation by acoustic firework records:

>>> va - floating fire 001

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: you're winning so i quit 4:00


sigmoid argonaut - ep

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

some guitar riffs from washington

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

i haven't got alot of time, so i'll keep this quite short...

to sustain the musical variety on this blog,
i'll continue with a bit of "guitar music"

more precisely, with "sigmoid argonaut", the band
of the 5 americans: Jonny Cole, Scotti Wilson,
Danny Mullen, Tony Alecci and Ricky Wilson

i would categorize their music as a mixture of
melodic post rock mixed with some
synthie- and keyboard effects.

unfortunately the ep contains just 4 tracks, but
the band is quite new on the "market"
and this seems to be their first studio-recording,
so there's hope for more!


>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: tentacle trap 7:51


jambassa - macchine parlanti

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

new dub sounds from jambassa

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

for all those who missed the dub-releases in the last weeks...
the waiting time is over!

jambassa, the dub project of "Carmine Minichiello" and
"Raffaele Gargiulo" (co-founders of aquietbump-netlabel)
produced a fine lyrics-based 7-track ep!
each track features another vocalist, some of them english,
some italian.
the beats & melodies are created digitally, but it seems
that they love to play with their equipment, and so they
created really sophisticated and interesting beats.

because of this variety, the ep is not as monotone, as most other
dub-releases are. however, it still creates a chilled atmosphere
which animates you to move your head slowly to the music.

"macchine parlanti ep" was released on monday (23.11.2009)
and i think that each dub-loving listener out there loves at
least one track of this ep ...so get it as long as it is fresh!

my favourites are:

02 - like silence (ft. candy)
07 - combo combo thing (ft. reddog and boom buzz)

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: like silence 3:39


release by "hoof"


finally i got in touch with him...
the artist is called "david hofman-bang"
here are some links for further information:
david hofman-bang: myspace
david hofman-bang: youtube

more information/album artwork (hopefully) soon...

the album was released at ant-blipp.com
...you can download it track by track here:

>>> download "HOOF" - release
(12 tracks, 128kbps, alltogether about 42mb)

i wasn't able to choose just 1 pre-listen-track... so here are 2!

hoof - 02 - time and again (2:42)

hoof - 03 - princess (4:44)

...i hope you enjoy it as much as i do...


wild honey - epic handshakes and a bear hug

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

very nice indie-folk-pop from spain

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

1 week without a single entry...
i'm sorry for that... but i had to solve some problems with my pc...
fortunately now everything's ok again...

and here's the next wonderful release:

i stumbled upon it today by accident...
and shortly after the first "huuuu huuuu" and the trumpet
of the intro-song, i was totally captured.

the mix of flutes, trumpets, guitars, drums and
the calm voices of the singer "Guillermo Farré" and
his female partner (i couldn't find her name...)
harmonize really great, and the result is a
very well produced, indie-folk-pop release.

it starts great, and stays great,
and when the 12th track has gone to an end,
it leaves a nice, chilled feeling,
and animates you to listen to the whole release once again...

my favourites are:

02 - 1918-1929
08 - isabella
10 - kings of tomorrow

if you want to buy a cd, have a look here:
buy cd (link to homepage)

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: the kings of tomorrow 2:57


koak - in the sun

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

chilled guitar sounds

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

long time ago i downloaded this release, and i was always
sure to add it to the blog...
but then it somehow it got lost in my intransparent chaos...
fortunately yesterday ian wilson (the man behind koak) sent
me his release to check it out... and now finally here it is!

ian wilson's music style sometimes remembers me to those
scary western soundtracks, for the scenes when
the cowboys are walking slowly through the desert...
(especially the song "highnoon harmonica")

mostly there's just a guitar and some smooth drums,
and sometimes (lawnmower, the last wave...)
there are also quite nice discreet vocals.

all together this release is quite enjoyable for
listening to in the background, because it is not
importunate, but still has it's own style and creates
an comfortable chilled soundscape.

my favourites are:

01 - delinelle
09 - lawnmower
10 - the last wave

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: delinelle 3:12


printempo - printempo

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

amazing nujazz from poland!

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

this time i got something really special for you...

actually i wanted to go to bed a few hours ago....
but then i saw the cover of this release, and i tought
that it might be worth the time...

and damm it, i was right!
it was worth each single second of staying awake!

...i'm quite proud to present you the
debut-release from the polish band printempo!

a 11-track release brimfully filled with innovative nujazz
mixed with some hip hop and trip hop elements.

the tracks are quite relaxing, but there's also a part in it
which seems to force you to listen closly and let the music
crawl into your mind.

unfortunately the whole introduction-text is in polish,
so i can't give you some detailed information...

but yeah... music says more than words

[2 alternative downloadlinks in the "useful links" section]

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: hand in the cloud (part 2) 3:13


emily in love - let´s pretend we´re in love

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

"emily in love" brought us a new great electonic-indie-pop ep!

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

let's pretend we're in love...

no, i don't need to pretend... i definitely am in love with
the new record of "emily in love"!
emily (one half of the electropop duo "bisexual cyborg",
and the head of "emily in love") and her partners pia and ricardo
brought us some new very nice electronic-indie-pop tracks!

the cooking recipe is easy....

put the voices of pia and ricardo, some smooth beats,
guitar melodies, and a sweet xylophone together and
give it to emily to rework and polish it.
(and of course don't forget to put enough love inside...)

but take care!
'cause when everything is finished, you'll get an
amazingly delicious ep!

enjoy your meal!

my favourite bites are:

02 - jellybean
05 - here with you

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: here with you 4:52


2% - nowcast

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

ambient at it´s best…

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

archaic horizon records is always a good stop for
chill-out electronic music.
...and their latest offer is once again a real
diamond: the new release from 2%

with his second release "nowcast" Trenton McElhinney
(aka. 2%) follows the steps he did in his
previous ep "the last call home"

once again he mixed hip hop and ambient elements together
and produces a cd filled with pure relaxation.
the driving beats, and the melodious ambient fragments
fuse perfectly and deliver a unique style of ambient music.

the entire album was created live with a monome
and live-sampling platform.
you can watch videos of the tracks virga and leeward here:
2% - homepage

previous releases: 2% - the last call home

...and if you want to watch some great pictures,
don't forget to take a look at his flickr-page! : 2% - flickr-page

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: glory 3:59

bartlomiej wolyniec - our scares (single)

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

let´s start with the great new single from bartlomiej wolyniec!

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

bartêomiej woêyniec loves to do experiments.
with his hew singe "our scares" he tries once again
to move the boarders of indie-music.

don't just listen to it in the background...
you'll probably not like it!
those tracks needs to be listened carefully and in the right mood.
songs like this don't come up every day,
but when it's the time for it, it'll blow your mind.

"our scares" is the single for his upcomming full lenght release,
which will be available in foressable future.
there's no release date fixed yet,
and it'll probably be just commertially available
(not under creative common-license)

[more details will appear here when it is released...]

previous releases: bartłomiej wołyniec - hypochondriac queen

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: our scares 3:30


back on the road!!!

hello everybody!

it took a while...
but finally i got my flatrate back...
and tomorrow the blog will be back on the road!!

hopefully there are still some readers left....
because there are a lot of really nice releases on the way!!

if you got something worth a listen,
or you just want to talk to me,
i'm still happy about each email i get!

>>> click here to write me an email

stay tuned for more new free music tomorrow!!!
greets, raphael