
be patient !!

currently i haven't got a good internet-access...
so you'll probably have to wait a few more days
for the next release...
but, it will be worth the time!

greets, raphael


sync filmico - el mar

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

amazing indie-rock from sunny spain

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

it's always a bit harder for a indie-rock band to
enthuse it's listeners if they don't understand their lyrics.
"sync filmico" is one of those bands for me...
but, they managed this challenge amazingly perfect!

if you don't understand them, the enjoyable voice of
"santiago candegabe", the vocalist of "sync filmico" acts like
an instrument. combined with the music from "Matias Villamil",
"Nicolas Said", "Luciano Gomez" and "Juan Serruya" you get a great
background-soundscape for your own emotions.

for example if you take the track "confusion".
the title is understandable. it's like a thought-provoking impulse,
but because of not-understanding the rest of the lyrics, you need to
"write" your own story according to the title.

you can easily interpret your own feelings, your own thoughts into
the song. "santiago cadegabes" voice doesn't capture your mind.
while listening to the track you don't get interrupted in thinking.
your mind stays free, but the song don't act like inconspicuous
background musik, it interacts with your thinking and accompany
with it, helping you to lead your thoughts into positivity.

this release showed me once again that music got no borders.
in this case you'll probably get some different impressions if
you understand spanish, but not understanding the language doesn't
keep you away from being impressed.

enjoy !

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: confusion 5:08


pinkle - invertible

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

indie-pop for lazy evenings

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

in the daytime he is busy working on his post-doc at the
institute of technology in switzerland...
and at night he huddles under the pseudonym "pinkle", takes out some
guitars, keyboards, banjos, pianos, harmonicas, bells, flutes,
et cetera, et cetera… and of course his voice and starts to make
beautiful music.

we're talking about bryn martin, ex member of the alternative-rock
band "ophur". as solo-project he's something like a music-factory.
since 2004 "pinkle" produced nearly 200 songs, all available for
free download on his homepage.

the latest release "invertible" is just a selection of his personal
favourite tracks from last year!
on the album you'll find 12 varied cheerful indie-pop tracks,
perfectly suited for lazy evenings.

if you listened through the album and you still got a bit of
free-time left... don't forget to have a look at the

...and for all those who haven't got the time to listen to
all the tracks:
bryn announced 2 further best-of's from his "early-years"
within the next few months...

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: into the ark 3:24


christophe marc - pressure

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

incredible eavesdropping!

click here to read the full review

a few words by the thief:

vocalist and songwriter christophe marc, known as lead singer of galago, shows us now again new impressions on his new realease
"pressure". the creative, playful folk/indie tracks stand for themselves and imitate nothing and no one.
christophe marcs voice melodious flows into all facets and
let's you tap with the foot as also lean back relaxed.

you can just enjoy this album! it procures every felt emotion
very convincingly and in a great deployment musical creativity.
the arrangement is really very successful and every single
instrument fits perfectly on the movement of the songs.
„pressure“ is fun, „pressure“ gives energy.

the solo project of christophe marc can exhibit itself.every track
is individually produced and tells its own story. at some releases
i heard lately, i often thought it was one and the same track i was
listening to. christophe marc gives me new hope. Surprise!

my personal favorite songs of the album are „pressure“, „in the face“
and the instrumental „body barner“. in the latter case i needed to
force my repeat button to break the storied way of the album.
awesome rhythm, awesome arrangement and amazing
song structures – what else to say but: necessarily check out!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: born to be mine 3:29


emilie lund - emilie lund ep

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

the long waiting time is over!
after nearly 4 month aaahh-records finally released a new ep!

finest acoustic indie-pop from emilie lund

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

it's always the same...
i think of going to bed, and then i say to myself:
"let's check one more netlabel and then go to bed"

i clicked on one of my favourite netlabels "aaahh-records",
and i didn't really expect to see a new release there, because the
last one was released nearly 4 month ago...
(have a look at it here: aaahh006 - the wind whistles)

but fortunately i was wrong!!!
...and as expected, the long waiting time was worth every second.
the swedish singer/songwriter (and theatre-student) emille lund shows
once again that the swedes are simply born to make acoustic-indie-pop.

emilie just needs an acoustic guitar and her voice to enthuse
me immediately after the first few seconds of the release.

the whole cd is kept very minimalistic. the focus is on her
vocals... supported with a piano and an acoustic guitar.
5 slow and emotional songs which seem to capture and transform all
the impressions from her living conditions and her experiences
in life into music.

to define my favourite songs is quite hard...
on one hand because there are just 5 songs on the ep, and on the
other hand because all of them are great!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: sad blue mountain 3:53

klitbeats - a thing or two

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

great new funky chill-out release from "klitbeats"

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

there are only 10 releases on budabeats yet...
but there's a reason why they don't have so much cd's
they only add absolutely high-quality releases!

...same on their latest release "klitbeats - a thing or two"

this time they brought to us the new 7-track cd from
"robert von klitzing"
the frankfurt based dj/producer took instrumental hip hop, funk,
downtempo, a bit of jazz and some lounge-music and fused them
together to a great release.

each time a new track starts, its a bit different to the one
before, but all tracks work together perfectly and provide a
relaxed and diversified chill-out soundscape.

unfortunately the release takes just 27 minutes, but there are
still 9 other releases on budabeats which wait to be heard...

my favourite tracks are:

02 - a thing or two
07 - gemeinsam

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: a thing or two 4:16


bulimic orgy (ft. mile) - dairy plant

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

bulimic orgy comes up with their second release, filled with
some more chilled hop hop beats...

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

sorry for the long waiting time... but i had alot of things
to do the last days.

anyway, now i got time, and i'm very happy to be able to introduce
to you the new release from bullimic orgy (ft. mile)

once more they put together a cd with great tunes to chill out
and relax. 15 tracks for watching the raindrops fall down
on a rainy autumn-day.

in comparison to their latest release (sawmill gang anthems)
they left behind the scratchy beats and focused more on the
straight tuneful ones. no abstract melodies, rare vocals, just
a bunch of chilled vibes and catchy beats.

if you got a few hours to hang out, and you don't know
what to listen to... try this one!

my personal favourites are:

03 - raindrops in your hair
07 - look at the stars
12 - midnight masqerade

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: midnight masquerade 3:07


the black atlantic - reverence for fallen trees

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

very beautiful new acoustic-indie-folk-pop release
on beep! beep! back up the truck

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

it was nearly 1 o'clock in the morning when i came home. i wasn't
very tired because i had to drive a long time, and so i decided
to have a look for some new releases.
i checked a few netlabels, but i hadn't very much success.
...then i came to "beep! beep! back up the track"
a label which is always good for surprising releases
("we vs. death" and "het gloren" were featured on the blog before)

...and yes, they did it again!
in collaboration with the international recording project,
"in a cabin with"the band "the black atlantic" and a bunch of additional
musicians recorded the beatuiful "reverence for fallen trees" album.
"geert van der velde" (ex-frontman of the melodic metalcore
band "Shai Hulud"), "kim janssen", "Megan Hofmann" and
"Stef Thoen" the 4 members of "the black atlantic" created 10
acoustic-indie-pop-folk tracks with such a fragile beauty,
that you fear of destroying it when you open up your eyes again.
in the introduction-text they wrote that the album was recorded
somewhere round the "saranac lake", in a place they described as
"...a retreat, a place to hide out and dissapear."
and that's exactly what i imagined while sitting on the chair
in the night, with my eyes closed and listening to their songs.

i stayed up till 3:30 o'clock, listening to the album again
and again, and writing these few lines to be able to share
it with you as soon as possible. enjoy listening!
... and good night

oh, and if you like it, you can also:
by a cd for 10€
buy a vinyl for 12€

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: fragile meadow 3:31


suhov pres.: jószomszéd - az ajtó (instrumental)

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

the lemonjohn-blog is busy again!!!

...and i`ll start with some very nice
instrumental jazzy hip hop beats from jószomszéd

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

the fist thing i did after unpacking my backpack was,
to check out the email from "suhov".

there wasn't alot of information in it.
just the name of the band (Jószomszéd), a short introduction,
and a list of the members and what they're doing:

saxophone,clarinet: giga
guitar: kosta velcsev dejanov
violin: zuzu
scratch: dj globe
producer,mixed and mastered by: suhov

after reading this, i thought that this could be one of those releases
which i am searching for all the time. something to relax, to sit
around with some friends - talking, joking, discussing and listening to
some smooth, discreet beats in the background.

when the first track had finished, i knew that i was right.

this release is filled with 13 tracks of absolutely finest
instrumental jazzy instrumental hip hop-tunes.
it manages to kick away all the stress of life within a few seconds,
but it still animates you to smoothly shake your head to the beats.

my favourites are:
01 - az ajtó
03 - nyitott tenyéren
05 - csak a napra
08 - úton útfélen
12 - csak az olvassa

...but i didn't manage to listen to just those tracks so far...
whenever i started listening to jószomszéd it ended up with
listening to the whole album.

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: az ajtó 3:38