hello my dear readers!
i got good news for me, and bad news for you....
let's start with the good :)
today evening i'll leave austria for a 1-month trip to vietnam!!
ok, and now to the bad :(
this means that the blog will stay inactive till 29. august 2009 !!
but when i'm back, it is 100% sure that the blog will be continued!
so please keep it in mind...meanwhile you can check out hundreds of
previous releases which were featured on the blog bevore...
i also created a forum for you, to bridge the long time of
silence on the blog...
you can post your releases there, and discuss them as well!
here's the link to the forum: http://lemonjohn.forumotion.com/
spread it around in the world! add your blogs, netlabels,
and all other sites, let others see your pictures, or hear your music,
and talk about the pros and cons of the free culture !
(for sure you can also talk about everything else...)
have a nice summer,
i hope to meet you all again next month...
best wishes, raphael