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finally i found the time to create a twitter-account
for lemonjohn.blogspot.com...

feel free to join and get informed about all new added releases
and a couple of other interesting things referring to net-music!



daniel j nixon - turn this stone

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

acoustic-folk delights by daniel j nixon

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

...my list of "waiting" releases for the blog is long...
and so i'll continue with a really amazing one:

the debut ep of "daniel j nixon".
as the high voltage accurately wrote:
"Just the right amount of restrained emotion..."

his singing in combination with a discreet acoustic guitar
generates a smooth, calm atmosphere, perfect for those
cold and rainy winter-days.
although the last song is called "first snow of the winter",
for me this release sounds more like a foretaste of spring...

this time you're lucky if you live near manchester,
here are his currently announced live dates:

23.02.2010 // Manchester University Students Union // Manchester
02.03.2010 // Night & Day // Manchester

you can watch the video of the song "that girl" below
(song's not included on the ep... but it's really great!)

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: hide and seek 3:22

i love monsters - rescue ep

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

debut release by the indie-rock band „i love monsters“

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

ok, today i got some time...
so i'll try to reduce my "blog-waiting-list" a bit...

and after all those acoustic-folk-pop releases it's
time for some "faster" guitar-sounds!

...and so the kick-off comes from the new-york based indie
rock band "i love monsters" with their debut-release "rescue ep"

while the second song "practise with your heart" is a bit too
lovely for me, "seen a ghost" immediately catched my ears
with its memorable melody, and incited me to add this short
4-tracks ep to the blog.

you can have a look at their new video below,
...and if you live near new york, don't miss to watch them live:

04.02.2010 // Bowery Electric ///New York
18.03.2010 // Sullivan Hall ///New York

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: seen a ghost 2:29


thomas kivi - introduction

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

great folk-songs ...once again from minneapolis

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

the last days i wasn't sure what to listen to...
i found alot of releases, all of them interesting and nice,
but anyhow i wasn't totally satisfied.

so i continued searching without knowing what to search for,
and now finally, it seems that i found it.

thomas kivi, the minneapolis-based singer-songwriter
caught my ear after the first few seconds of his release.

i located him on the paperdarts-magazine while looking
for some details about bethany deline...
and when i noticed that he offers his latest work "introduction"
for free via last.fm, i couldn't wait to add it to the blog.

...and the best way to describe his music is probably to
add his explanation-text from his myspace-page:

What has influenced you?
Either the Grand Canyon says: "God," or the Grand Canyon says "time."
And if you ask me, I say either: "Michel de Montaigne, Bob Dylan,
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Augustine of Hippo, Disiderius Erasmus,
Rene Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Townes van Zandt , Tom Waits,
Frank Zappa, Hank Williams, Charles Darwin, etc" or I say: "time."

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: stained glass 3:46


bethany deline - garden level sessions

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

bethany deline.... the tap-dancing ukulele-player from minneapolis

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

i listened to alot of music the last days,
but somehow nothing managed to impress me really.
probably i simply haven't had the time to listen
to the records in the way they deserve,
so probably some of them will appear later on...

but then, in the middle of the music-maze, i found
"bethany deline" and her cute ep "garden level sessions"

this is one of those releases where you somehow
don't manage to have a bad mood while listening to it.
it broadcasts such a high amount of positivity and
happiness through the ukulele and her voice, that
i simply couldn't resist.

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: anne´s whiskey pickles and cream 1:20


new compilation, new interview

hello my honored readers!
i've got to announce two great things:

there has been a nice little interview for sound.check,
broadcasted on the free-radiostations "radio-fro" and "radio frf"
you can have a listen to it here: (sound.check #47)

lemonjohn's harvest nr.2 is on the way!!
once again i compiled 12 amazing songs for your listening pleasure...
it'll be released within the next few days!

meanwhile you can have a look at the beautiful front-cover
...made by elena (click on the cover to enlarge)

headphonica infected by cybersquatting

the crative common netlabel "headphonica" has been attacked
by so called "domaingrabbers" who now imitate their site and
blackmail them to buy their domain back.

headphonica decided to move their domain to:

so, if you have a link on your site, please change it to the .com-domain

...and if you speak german, you can read the full story >>>here


when the war came - yeah!

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

melancholic-folk songs from california

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

yeah! i love the irony of the combination between
the artists name and the album-title...

...and of course i really enjoyed this release!
it's the debut release of the california-based
interpreter "when the war came" a.k.a. "jacob ninomiya".
he wrote and recorded all tracks himself, and the
output of this 1-man-project are 9 constantly great,
melancholic indie-folk tracks.
(as downloadlink i used his bandcamp-page, because there you can downlaod the whole
thing as .rar-archvie, and on cllct you can only download the release track by track)

also, this release got some positive side-effects for me:

first, it revealed me, that the great free-music portal
cllct has opened it's doors once again,

and it also brought me to another really amazing artist,
but for that you need to wait for the next entry...

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: mountain view 4:46


attarus - l´arte di combattere senza combattere

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

funky beats from france italy!

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

finally a non-indie-pop release...
but, i've got plenty of important things to handle,
so don't have alot of time for big words.
so you'll get just an abbreviated version:

"l´arte di combattere senza combattere"

or in english: "the art of fighting without fighting"
is the 4th release of the italian artist attarus.

after a 2-years-brake, he's been back in 2009 with a cd
containing a nice mix of hip hop, funk and soul elements.

...and as he writes on his homepage:
"all this has been inspired by the traditional
chinese kung fu philosophy"

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: broken dreams 4:15


kenedy - ep 2010

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

great debut-release by the spanish artist kenedy

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

ok, now here's my second souvenir from my bandcamp-safari.
and it's once again an indie-pop release!
i don't know why there are that much great releases
in this genre currenty... but i don't object...

unfortunately all infos on kenedys myspace-page are
in spanish... so i can't give you any single details.

the only thing i know for sure is that this is his
debut release.

when i first listened to this release, i indeed liked
his songs, but they didn't enthuse me totally.
but then the last track "see the moon" came...
and it really made my day.
i can't exactly tell you why, i simply can't stop listening
to this song.

and well... the more i listened to the rest of the ep,
the more i likeed all the other tracks too
...and this is in my opinion an excellent attribute of a song

so be sure to listen to this ep at least twice!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: see the moon 4:21


andrew conklin - if i were more like you

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

a soundtrack for lazy saturdays

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

yesterday i had the time to crawl through the bandcamp-jungle...
and i found some really nice releases!

one of them is "if i were more like you" by "andrew conklin"
it is filled with 10 delicious, unintrusive indie-pop tracks
created with guitar, piano, keyboards, percussion, bass, drums,
sax, trombone and the voice of andew conklin.

a perfect cd for those lazy saturdays ...like mine today
where you just want to lie around and let the music
create a warm and comfy feeling.

my favourites are:

01 - woke up
02 - jaguar
06 - kind/alike

...and for all those of you that live near california:
don't forget to have a look at his concert-dates!
(on his myspace-page...)

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: woke up 3:46



lemonjohn has been featured in the austrian newspaper "tips" !!

click here to read the article! (in german)


cavalier rose - october demos

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

new tracks by cavalier rose !!

...if you like their music, don´t forget to give them your vote for
>>> "New Yorks favourite emerging artist of 2009"

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

i got those tracks since a few months... and i really
should have posted them earlier but somehow they disappeared
in the neverending chaos of my harddrive...
anyway, now finally here they are!
it´s a short ep... so i'll write just a few words:

Heather Christian´s amazing voice and the perfectly
arranged music by "Garrett Gibbs Drinon", "Chase McGowan"
and "Sarah Tomek" delivers a very nice atmosphere which
let's you almost feel the music.

but, with their "october demos" cavalier rose
gives us just 2 tracks to decrease the waiting time
for their (hopefully soon released) new album...

meanwhile, you can still listen to their absolutely amazing
debut-release "primary colors ep"

...and if you like the songs, please consider
voting for them at "the deli-magazine" as
>>> "New Yorks favourite emerging artist of 2009"

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: painted bird 4:36


the tourist - the answer, of course, is of course

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

the tourist ...a real journey in sound

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

today i got the pleasure of some ...let's call it "total free time"
there was nothing that needed to be done immediately,
nobody was around, and the weather was very ugly...
so that i also got no will to leave the building.

i layed down on my couch, and put in the release by
"Hunter MacDermut" a.k.a. "The Tourist"

...and it appeared to be the perfect soundtrack for such hours!
somehow the music seems to interact with the
surrounding silence, takes away all the depressing aspects,
and just leaves a bunch of fragile beauty.

my favourites are:

04 - Ladies & Gentleman
07 - Skinny, Honey
09 - halelujah is my name
11 – be cool

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: hallelujah is my name 4:36


uniform motion - pictures

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

new audio-visual indie folk treasures on aaahh-records!

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

i wish you all a good new year!
and well, it seems to become a really great year for netmusic!

my kick-off comes from aaahh records and her newest
members "uniform motion".

the self-tagged "illustrated indie folk" band follow
a quite interesting concept:

while Andrew Richards, Trevor O´Neil and a bunch of
guest-musicians create the amazing soundscape, the graphic
designer Renaud Forestie sits in front of his laptop and
reinterprets the lyrics of each song in a little comic-book.
and last but not least all this is captured and put into a video.
in which you can watch the recording-sessions.
in the end, Marc Dubézy, owner of cdm-studio and his
assistant engineer Damien Dumont help them to get the
best out of their music.

don't forget to thumb through the lyrics-books while listening
to their music... it's nice to follow the words and getting
some visual impressions in the same time.
you can find it >>> here

...and here are some examples:
(click on the images to be forwarded to the song-pages)


>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: earthly diamond 4:31