
crookram - through windows

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

crookram´s first superb full length release
filled with alot of funky beats

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

march seems not to be the most busy month for the
blog, and of course, i'm not happy about it...
but unfortunately my limited free-time currently doesn't
allow me to update the blog more frequent.
i hope it will be better in a few weeks.

meanwhile you need to be patient, and enjoy the
infrequent (but great) releases that will come as soon
as possible.

and for now, i got a really amazing cd which surely
abbreviate the waiting time...

it's the already 12th release on budabeats netlabel, and
i simply need to applaud them for their amazing selection
of free music.
each of the previous releases was amazing... and the latest
one by "crookram" is once again a great piece of music.

i really enjoyed listening to it in the morning while
traveling with the subway, because no matter how tired you
are, it surely will put a smile on your face, and animates
you to nod your head to the beats.

...you can also find this release on bankrupt-recordings

previous releases:
crookram - 19/76 ep
sagesse and crookram - escape, the ep

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: a man named ivan 3:06


yamamoto - summer songs for winter people

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

calming pop songs from mexico

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

as we all know... good things take time...
and the best example to proove this saying is
"the pony republic" netlabel.

after nearly 8 monts of silence, they showed a
sign of life, and released the new ep by
"mario supereit" and "brenda j" (a.k.a yamamoto)

the two mexican musicians took some beats, bleeps
and their voices to create a very relaxing mixture
between pop and experimental indie-electronic

it's a short ep which lasts just 21 minutes,
but within those minutes time seems to run a
bit slower...

previous releases:
yamamoto - columpio ep [2005]

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: since you went away 4:02


various artists - jazzy puzzle

if you want to download the whole release, click on the cover

nice nujazz-compilation

click here to read the full review

a few words by osenboz:

the last weeks i've had quite alot to do at university, and
because of that the blog needed to go to sleep for a while.

fortunately now everything calmed down, and there are
alot of releases waiting to be added, so i'll stop talking
about general stuff, and focus on music again.

the first release is the compilation by the very nice
free-music blog "good netlabels" who celebrates it's
3rd birthday.

and for this jubilee, matam (the man behind goodnetlabels)
choosed 19 chilled nujazz-downtempo-hip hop tracks by artists
like "suhov, enbe, maed, bandFX, crookram ...." and put them
together in an elaborate arranged compilation.

my favourites are:

11 - suhov - ahmadone
12 - cookram - business is business
13 - thallus - kot
19 - enbe - lyric

have a nice listen!
...and if you like the release, don't forget to leave
a comment or at least give some stars!!

>>> album details>>> tracklist>>> useful links

pre-listen song: thallus - kot 3:03